Thursday, July 30, 2009

Watermellon Fiend

Watermellon Fiend
Originally uploaded by chenoa b
I had a play around with this picture in Flickr, mainly cropping it and adjusting the colours and highlights. Jordan's hair sure does look red in this photo! I was changing Amali's nappy and came back into the lounge room and he had taken the entire watermelon from the fridge and was ploughing into it!
I have just realised that I have blogged flickr and picnik around the wrong way - however, I think that I like the picnik layout better. It seems less busy and crowded, even though they seem to use the same system. I am not quite sure how that works though!


Melissa said...

Hi Chenoa,

Leave it to your 2 1/2 year old to get into the food while your back is turned. I wonder which parent he learnt that from??

Although I have no experience with Flickr, it seems like a good program to upload pictures and share with students. (I am commenting here about Flickr, but it really is supposed to be on the other post!)

Happy blogging!

Mel :)

Melissa said...
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